Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hello, Friends!

A little about me:

Hi! My name is Kim. I am deeply in love with Jesus. I have the coolest, dreamiest husband. He has long hair, an awesome sense of humor, and plays guitar. I believe that a bond made over coffee shall not be broken. I have been told that cooking is my God given ministry. I have not, however, been able to determine if it ministers more to me or others. I love adventure and fort building. I am a farmer's daughter that can only hope to have the same green thumb my daddy does. I've managed to kill two succulents in the last year but I am hopeful that I'll do better with vegetables..? I like dinner parties and holidays and celebrations just because there is always a reason to celebrate. I have a small obsession with The Office and may or may not have seen every episode at least 7 times. I have a fondness of photography and a passion for all things pretty. My husband and I own Little House Design, a graphic and web design company- I make it pretty, he makes it work.

We started Little House to break free of the mold, to go against the flow and create a life we love rather than following the cattle chute of life and hoping we get what we want out of it. Now. Don't get me wrong, working a completely unstimulating 9-5 desk job that had absolutely nothing to do with my degree while my husband worked really whacky hours as a barista was good times. It really was for that season. But I reached a point of unfulfillment and dissatisfaction. I wasn't creating, I wasn't thriving, I wasn't healthy, I wasn't excited about anything. I was so exhausted from bearing the load of boredom that I didn't have the energy to do anything positive with my free time. It had to change. Lots of constructive decisions have been made since January of this year and I have had a blast building a life that I love.

I am determined to find my roots and stay true to them.

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